This report gives the implementation status for 114 recommendations made between April 2017 and October 2018.

The Office of the Auditor General follows up on the status of its past audit recommendations for 3 consecutive years, beginning about 18 months after issuance.
This report gives the implementation status for 114 past recommendations. This is the third and final follow-up for 72 of the recommendations. More than half of those are still in progress (40 recommendations).
The report also highlights significant positive steps taken last year by the Public Accounts Committee to improve its oversight processes. The PAC holds audited entities accountable for the implementation of Auditor General recommendations. The committee now asks audited entities to develop action plans within 90 days of an Auditor General’s report being issued. Following the Auditor General’s third and final follow up, the committee may also request progress reports from audited entities on the status of outstanding recommendations.
Published: March 2021
Sector: Government Operations