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Archives of Manitoba: Preservation and Access to Records 2024

In this audit we found the Archives of Manitoba is partially fulfilling its legislated responsibilities but could do more to ensure that records in its care are protected and preserved. The audit also found the Archives is facilitating access to physical archival records, but not digital records.


The Archives of Manitoba is responsible for the retention and preservation of significant documents and records related to Manitoba and its history. When records are not identified, or properly protected and preserved, the information they contain can be permanently lost for future generations.

We found the Archives is partially fulfilling its legislated responsibilities but could do more to ensure that records in its care are protected and preserved. We also found the Archives does not have the capability to acquire, protect, preserve, and provide access to digital records. These records are retained by government departments and agencies.

The report contains 10 recommendations to protect and preserve records and enhance public access to these records.

Watch a short video of Auditor General Tyson Shtykalo discussing the report: 

Published: February 2024

Sector: Government Operations


Téléchargez une version Web de notre rapport d'audit. La version du site Web est uniquement à titre informatif. Soyez respectueux de l’environnement. Réfléchissez avant de l'imprimer.


Archives of Manitoba: Preservation and Access to Records 2024
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