The report provides an overview of our 2021-22 financial statement audit work.

In this report, we discuss the results of our 2021-22 financial statement audits and look ahead to the year to come. This includes discussion of:
Issues impacting this years Public Accounts audit(SECTION 1).
Control deficiencies found during our audit of the 2021/22 Public Accounts (SECTION 2).
Concerns for the 2022/23 audit cycle (SECTION 3).
Follow up on the status of our past year recommendations (SECTION 4).
Each of the other entities we perform financial statement audits for and the results of these audits (SECTION 5).
The report notes that in 2021-22, control and accounting deficiencies were found throughout the departments. These deficiencies included poor compliance with controls over purchases and expenses, inadequate accounting processes, and other control environment weaknesses. Without the proper accounting controls in place, there is a greater risk of errors in financial reporting.
Published: December 2022
Sector: Government Operations
Click here to view a short video of Auditor General Tyson Shtykalo discussing the report: