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Reports in progress

At any given time, our teams are working on a variety of project audits. Project audits include performance audits, investigations (including special audits), information technology audits, and governance audits and reviews.
Below you will find a list and brief description of project audits currently in progress. To provide information related to one of our on-going audits, you may contact us by:
Phone: 204-945-3351
To learn more about how your information may be used, please visit the We Want to Hear From You section of our website.
Kidney Disease TreatmentAudit Status: In Progress Manitoba has one of the highest rates of kidney disease in Canada. The risk of kidney disease increases if an individual has certain medical conditions and when left untreated, kidney disease can cause death. This performance audit will examine the efficiency of processes and practices in place to treat kidney disease in Manitoba.
Workforce Management in Manitoba's Public SectorAudit Status: In Progress A substantial portion of Manitoba’s public service is nearing retirement, particularly among senior management. The Public Service Commission reported that within the next 5 years, nearly half of senior managers are expected to retire, and 70% by 2033. The public service is also seeing a substantial number of job vacancies, creating concern for the future staffing levels and leadership within the public service. We are looking at workforce management in Manitoba’s public service. This will include whether: There are action plans and codes of conduct in place. The classification process is consistent with workforce management principles in The Public Service Act. Workforce planning in the public service supports an agile and flexible workforce that can meet the changing needs of government.
Investigations of Municipal AllegationsAudit Status: In Progress Order in Council 343/2022 dated September 6, 2022 requested an examination and audit of the operations and accounts of various municipalities under Section 16(1) of The Auditor General Act. Based on the results of preliminary procedures, the Auditor General has determined he will examine allegations regarding the following 4 municipalities: Municipality of WestLake-Gladstone Rural Municipality of St. Andrews Rural Municipality of West St. Paul Municipality of Swan Valley West In addition to the allegations regarding these 4 municipalities, the Auditor General will examine municipal oversight at the Department of Municipal Relations and how the Department handles complaints regarding municipalities.
Audit of the Management and Control Activities of the Preparation of the Public AccountsAudit Status: In Progress We identified a number of control deficiencies and errors during our audit of the 2021/22 Public Accounts. These issues point to problems with capacity and distribution of responsibilities in government, related to the preparation of the Public Accounts. These issues also impact our ability to obtain sufficient, appropriate audit evidence to complete the audit of the Public Accounts, in order for the Department of Finance to meet the annual September statutory deadline. As a result, we are conducting a performance audit of management and control activities related to the preparation of the Public Accounts. This audit will determine the likely causes of control and accounting process deficiencies identified during the audit of the Public Accounts
Transitioning Incarcerated Individuals From CustodyAudit Status: In Progress The Department of Justice’s mission is to support and promote safe and just communities for all Manitobans. Manitoba’s corrections system contributes to this mission, with responsibility for the care, rehabilitation, and reintegration of the thousands of people encountering the Justice system each year. When an individual is sentenced, Correctional Services Division is responsible for preparing them to relocate into the community after incarceration. This is done through individual assessments and interventions that respond to identified needs. This audit will assess whether the Correctional Services Division is preparing individuals for release from custody.
Community Foundation AgreementsAudit Status: In Progress Between 2018 and 2023, Manitoba entered into agreements with community foundations to support various program initiatives. During this time, approximately $400 million was provided to these third-party organizations. This audit will examine the accountability processes and oversight practices included in these agreements and the reporting to the Legislative Assembly and Manitobans on the results achieved.
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