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Department of Education and Early Childhood Learning: Leadership of the K-12 Pandemic Response 2022
April 2022
This audit found The Department of Education and Early Childhood Learning was not prepared for the pandemic. Despite this, it effectively led the Kindergarten to Grade 12 school system response to COVID-19—but had not yet begun recovery efforts.
Investigations Report 2021
August 2021
This volume contains the results of 3 limited scope examinations which stem from stakeholder concerns that came through our citizen concerns line. These are: Shellmouth Dam Compensation Program, City of Winnipeg: Sale of Vimy Arena, and Municipal Development Corporations.
Public Accounts and Other Financial Statement Audits 2018
August 2018
We provide brief summaries of each financial statement audit we do directly and those where we use an agent to conduct the work on our behalf. In each summary, we identify the areas of audit significance and note whether we issued a “qualified” or “unqualified” audit opinion.
Archives of Manitoba: Preservation and Access to Records 2024
February 2024
In this audit we found the Archives of Manitoba is partially fulfilling its legislated responsibilities but could do more to ensure that records in its care are protected and preserved. The audit also found the Archives is facilitating access to physical archival records, but not digital records.